Saturday, 7 September 2013


Sportsgirl knit, Gorman pants, Topshop boots, Asos beanie

I love Gorman for the fact that they produce wonderfully printed pieces. I love Melbourne for the two days of sunshine and mild weather it gave us which made all of us skip with joy. Not so much for the fact that it's decided to plummet back into the mid-teens and snicker in our faces for doing so. It's a wonder that the weather is such a significant topic around here. I, for one, am certainly not feeling as bright and spirited as my above outfit seeks to convey (I blame the schizophrenic weather for my undoing) but hey, I had fun in the sun while it lasted, as short-lived as it might've been. So, yellow nails, a mish mash of multi-coloured confetti upon my legs and an oversized knit which I hail as the most comfortable piece I currently own. Or currently am aware that I own. Bring on the sunshine! 

Photography by Thomas Lo
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1 comment:

  1. Love this post! The bright colours are perfect for this simple outfit!

    xx Leesa

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